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Human sexual acteevity

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge
(Reguidit frae Human sexual activity)

Human sexual activity, human sexual practice ir human sexual behaviour is the mainer in whilk humans experience an express thair sexuality. Fowk engage in aw teeps o sexual acts, fae acteevities duin alane (e.g., masturbation) tae acts wi anither body (e.g., sexual intercoorse, non-thirle sex, mooth sex, etc.) at different times, fir mony different raisons. Sexual acteevity maist aften leads tae sexual pleisur an physiological chynges in the body bein pleisur't, sum o whilk are obvious while ithers are mair suttle. Sexual acteevity micht include behaviour an acteevities whilk are ettelt tae raise the the sexual interest o anither ir impruive the sex life o anither, sic as weys tae find ir attract pairtners (coortship an kythe behaviour), ir personal connection atween fowk (ex. foreplay ir BDSM).